
你有没有想过为什么乔治亚州的桃子这么好吃? 是味道! 新鲜甜美的乔治亚桃子是你在任何地方都能买到的最美味的桃子. 这并非偶然. A lot of things have perfectly come together to give our peaches their one-of-a-kind legendary flavor including climate, 土壤, 专业知识,也许再来点桃子郡的魔法. 毕竟,我们把桃子放在了乔治亚州.

The first Georgia peaches were shipped to the New York market between 1858 and 1860. 他们被马车运到奥古斯塔, 然后乘浅吃水船去萨凡纳, 最后乘汽船到纽约. Georgia earned its "Peach State" designation during the three decades following the Civil War as Fort Valley and 桃县 became the epicenter of the peach industry and the Peach Capital of the World.

As many as 18 peach packing houses lined the streets of Fort Valley in the heyday of the peach industry. Byron, the county’s only other city, located some 12 miles north on the rail line, had as many as 14. One local grower moved his house several thousand yards so he could watch his peaches being loaded into rail cars (that structure, 劳特曼之家, 目前是商会和福特谷主街办公室的所在地).

今天,这里只有两个主要的种植和包装业务, 车道 Southern果园 and Pearson's Big 6农场 owned by two families who have lived and worked and farmed here for more than 130 years!

Fresh Georgia peaches are available only 16 weeks each year, from mid-May until August. 长期以来被称为桃子之州, 乔治亚州生产, 可以说, 到处都有最甜最好吃的桃子. 2016年,乔治亚州的桃子产量为86.600万英镑,赚了46美元.300万年.

最初在中国成长了近4年,1000年前, peaches have spread from their homeland to the western world via India and Persia where they were first cultivated. Peaches were later introduced into Europe and Columbus brought peach seeds to the new world on his second and third trips. These seeds eventually found their way to the red clay 土壤 of middle Georgia where they were planted on acres of land which would later become 桃县.

虽然桃子最初是在圣路易斯市种植的. 佛罗里达州奥古斯汀.方济各会修士把他们介绍给圣. 1571年乔治亚海岸的西蒙斯岛和坎伯兰岛. 到18世纪中期,切罗基印第安人开始种植桃子和李子. Before the Civil War, increasing numbers of home orchards were planted in Georgia.

拉斐尔摩西, 一位来自哥伦布的种植园主和邦联军官, was among the first to market peaches within Georgia in 1851 and is credited with being the first to ship and sell peaches successfully outside of the South. 他把桃子装在香槟酒篮子里运输的方法, 而不是木炭粉, 帮助保存了水果的味道,为他的成功做出了贡献.

撒母耳Rumph, 马歇尔维尔的桃子种植者, 1870年改良了一个桃子新品种, 他用他妻子的名字命名的, 埃尔伯塔. This yellow-fleshed peach was of superior quality and shipped better than previous varieties. 直到1960年,艾伯塔一直是乔治亚州最主要的桃子, 但新的品种已经取代了商业用途的埃尔伯塔. 尽管埃尔伯塔仍然是最著名的桃子名字, 格鲁吉亚现在生产40多种商业品种 ... 埃尔伯塔号不在其中.

Rumph also pioneered improvements in rail transportation and the development of the refrigerated rail car which allowed rapid shipments to northern markets on a large scale.

Considerable expansion of peach acreage occurred in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, resulting in an all-time high production of almost eight million bushels by 1928. 从那时起,产量下降到约1.每年700万蒲式耳.

格鲁吉亚具有重要的生产和销售优势, primarily its proximity to eastern markets and favorable prices because of early harvests and high-quality fruit production.

几乎所有在乔治亚州种植的桃子都在新鲜批发市场上出售, 只有一小部分在路边市场出售. 在乔治亚州没有大规模的桃子加工.

桃种植面积和产量的扩大是由几个因素推动的. The abolition of slavery forced farmers to search for alternatives to the traditional labor-intensive cotton crop. 特别是桃子,从这种转变中受益.

乔治亚州立园艺学会, 1876年在奥古斯塔附近建立, promoted the introduction and testing of many fruit varieties and their distribution throughout the state while under the leadership of Prosper J.A. 伯克曼是一位苗圃工人和园艺学家. 老果园苗圃现在是奥古斯塔国家高尔夫俱乐部的所在地, 每年的大师赛都在这里举行.

Berckmans became famous for introducing new fruit varieties that were more suitable for growing in southern climates. He developed or improved many types of peaches and eventually became known as the "Father of Peach Culture" across the South. Among his varieties were the South Chinese (or Honey) peach and the Chinese Cling. 源自中文, Prosper最终培育出了埃尔伯塔, 贝尔和瑟伯桃子, 成为格鲁吉亚主要的商业品种. 他的瑟伯桃子是主要品种,直到它被埃尔伯塔取代.

乔治亚州的桃子产业集中在peach, 克劳福德, 沿着瀑布线的泰勒和梅肯县, 格鲁吉亚的皮埃蒙特和海岸平原之间的过渡地带. 这个地区靠北得足够远,可以得到充足的冬季寒气, 但足够靠南,可以避免晚霜,保证提前收获. 提前收获可以使作物获得高价. 另外, the sandy loam 土壤s of the fall line are more favorable to peach production than the Piedmont's heavy clays or the Coastal Plain's sands.

Big 6农场

Five generations of the Pearson family have farmed the red Georgia clay in this area for more than 130 years. The Pearson family's Big 6农场 is comprised of 1,500 acres of peaches and 2,000 acres of pecans. This family farm produces a bounty of fruit and nuts with the finest being used in Mary Pearson's online e-commerce business, 皮尔森农场.

这一切始于1885年,当时摩西·温洛克·皮尔森和他的妻子, 艾玛, moved to middle Georgia and planted their own family roots and the first peach trees for the Pearson family. 他们最终有了六个儿子和六个女儿. 他们的一个儿子, 约翰, 现任管理合伙人艾尔·皮尔森的祖父, 开始自己种地, 增加家庭的土地,种植更多的桃子.

劳顿, 约翰·李·皮尔森和罗莎·李·皮尔森最小的儿子, and his wife Laurie began to work with the family farm in Zenith and they had three children: Peggy, 安和艾尔. 当孩子, the Pearson children all worked in the peach packing shed every summer where lessons in perseverance and tenacity were learned. 不管多累,不管多晚, 桃子必须准备好及时运到纽约和北方其他地点.

大学毕业后,艾尔和他父亲一起务农. In 1972, he married Mary McLennan whom he met at the University of Georgia and they also have three children – Mary Katherine, 劳顿和劳里. 1973年,艾尔开始以Big 6农场的名义经营这个农场, 这是艾尔和他的两个姐妹的合伙企业, 一起务农35年. 艾尔和他儿子劳顿, 刚从法学院毕业, 2008年买下了这家公司,开始一起种地. 劳顿 married Lanier Defnall and they now have three young children – Adeline, Cort and Sutton. 阿尔和劳顿还种植了一大片山核桃.

Big 6农场 has met the food safety standards and Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) guidelines set by the USDA and the FDA. Big 6 has also met the audit standards established under the Georgia GP Food Safety Programs. It is one of only three farms in Georgia to earn this designation and the only peach and pecan farm.

访问Pearson Farm/Big 6网站了解更多信息.

车道 Southern果园

由约翰·大卫·杜克于1908年创立的钻石水果农场,莱恩包装公司. 种植了6000多英亩的桃子和山核桃. 位于Fort Valley外, the fourth-generation family operation now grows more than 35 varieties of peaches.

约翰·大卫·杜克于1942年建立了他的第一家桃子包装厂. J.杜克包装公司. 由他的女婿大卫. 车道和他的孙子Duke 车道 Sr. 1950年,包装车间被称为莱恩包装公司.

在他父亲退休后,老公爵. 成为独资所有人, 直到1975年, 他继续在他祖父1942年建立的地方包装桃子.

1976年,老杜克·莱恩. 与罗素·皮尔森家族合伙. 他们一起建造了一个更现代化的包装工厂,并将公司命名为皮尔逊 & 车道. 这种伙伴关系一直持续到1989年. After the 1989 season, the 车道 family began construction of a new packing house on the family farm. This facility is one of the most modern of its kind and was ready just in time for the 1990 crop.

随着新包装厂的建成,老杜克巷. 把生意交给了他的四个孩子——已故的安·里格登,小杜克.鲍比、史蒂夫——他们至今仍在经营这家公司.

参观莱恩包装公司. 更多资讯网址.

(Information for this article taken from histories provided by the 车道 family and Al Pearson as well as information from an article written by Kathryn C. 泰勒在佐治亚大学说.)